
Piedmont is a region with many festivals and fairs, there is always something to celebrate. From the international “slowfood exhibition” to the local festival about the strawberry. Here a small list about some of the festivals of 2008.

first weekend of June
“Passagiata slow” in Strevi
An slowfood lunch tour through some Cantina’s

first weekend of June
Local Polentone in Roccaverano

Third weekend of Juni
“l’Assedio di Canelli”
the battle of Canelli

“fiera dela nocciola” a hazelnut festival in Canelli

“Festa delle Feste” The festival of the festivals in Acqui Terme
“Citta del Vino” A festival around the mystical wine world of Canelli
The international cheese exhibition in Bra
Barolo wine festival
Dogliani wine festival
D’ouja d’or
Wine festival in Asti
Palio: historical horserace through the citty Asti
“Fiera del Tartufo”
Alba white truffle fair
Alba herb market & Palio: the dunky race

Oktober “Salone del Gusto” Slowfood exibition in Turino